Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cover #3 Girl

Like most kids from my generation, or at least i assume this to be so, I got to know the Beatles through my parents playing their records, usually while my mother had us doing chores around the house. Born in 1948 my mother was just the right age to be a teenager while Beatlemania was hitting it's climax. The Beatles for her was a rebellion and a darn great method of learning english.

I don't think i ever heard this beatles song until much later though. Shortly after Shawn and I became good friends in high school, we decided to make a short road trip to Kelowna for Christmas shopping. The trip marks a funny point in the history of our friendship because there was an event that blew both of our minds that day. As was common in those days, we, Shawn especially, were discussing very intensely the girls we had been pining for at the time. At a certain point I voiced that i had the strangest feeling that we would be seeing the girl that Shawn had been talking about for the last hour or so. I couldn't give him a reason except that i'd just noticed quite often that the "speak of the devil" phenomenon seemed to have a consistency.

As history would have it as we opened the door to the mall in kelowna there walking towards us was Shawn's crush. Shawn was a bit frightened to say the least. It was like she had listened in to our whole conversation.

On that very same trip we played the Beatles' "Rubber Soul" and i became totally taken by the song 'Girl'. I've played it as a cover ever since.

1 comment:

  1. I cry "No fair!"...who?
    And I could listen to you all day. Le sigh. :)
